In our second employee interview, we wanted to focus on Kim W., PT, DPT, a Maine native who recently graduated from the University of Vermont in 2016 with a Doctoral Degree in Physical Therapy. Drawn to physical therapy after watching her dad go through two spinal operations and the subsequent rehabilitation, she is a tremendous part of our team and we are so very lucky to have her!

What is your role/position?

Physical therapist

What are your duties within that role/position?

Evaluate and treat patients with a variety of orthopedic conditions. Educate patients on their condition and treatment interventions. Help patients reach their goals.

What made you decide to come to work for Alliance?

My personal treatment philosophy aligned well with Alliance’s and after meeting/talking with Phil at my interview I knew he was someone I wanted to work for and learn from.

What is your favorite thing about working for Alliance?

My coworkers and the atmosphere. I really have the most amazing coworkers who make it fun to come to work.

How would you describe Alliance’s clinical philosophy? (Or your own!)

Treating patients with evidence based interventions that include not only exercises but also dry needling, spinal manipulations, and other manual interventions; Helping patients reach their goals and return to the things they love whether it be a sport, a hobby, or another activity; Educating patients on their condition, treatment interventions, and home program

How would you describe Alliance’s clinical environment?

Fun! We have a good time. Not a day goes by without hearing laughter.

With your career, what are you looking to accomplish in the next two to four years?

Gain additional certifications in spinal manipulation and IASTM, continue to grow as a PT and learn new techniques

Outside of work, what is something you do for fun? A hobby?

That’s a hard one, I have so many things I enjoy doing. Most recently my husband and I have really gotten into bowling with one of our friends.

What is one unknown or fun fact about you?

I’ve travelled to more countries than I have states, including 3 different continents.

Alliance Physical Therapy is proud to be Portland, Maine’s first choice for physical therapy! Located at 331 Veranda St,(Building 6 Suite #3311), we’re here to get you healthy – and happy – once again! If you or someone you know is in need of physical therapy services, do not hesitate to contact us today!

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