Who we’ve helped
Our long list of delighted patients are walking examples of the benefits our Physical Therapy treatments can bring. Here are a few case studies to show how their therapy impacted them.

Joseph G Mountain climber
Every once in a while a challenge comes our way that our expertise is put to the test. The team at Alliance Physical Therapy always rises to meet the challenge. The human body needs time to heal, but what if you don’t have time? Joe’s injury occurred just seven weeks before a once in a lifetime adventure – climbing the Himalayan mountains.
“They listened to my issues and devised the perfect plan for my healing. They were sports-minded and holistic in their approach to my therapy. I was able to make a speedy recovery in time for my trip and my injuries never came back.”
What we achieved

Brooke B Student athlete
Brooke is a high school basketball player who came to us with limited motion and pain in her left knee. She couldn’t run or walk without discomfort. After she had her knee healed initially by the team here at Alliance PT, she then injured her ankle about a year later in a basketball game.
“I loved the atmosphere! Everyone was friendly, kind, and patient and had a great sense of humor which I enjoyed. My ankle made a full recovery and I am very happy with my improvement with both injuries.”
What we achieved

Joann L Mountain climber
It can be a truly scary feeling to have your first episode of severe low back pain. Joann came to Alliance PT having suffered through four weeks of back pain. She had never experienced an issue like this before, and she tried stretching a number of ways without relief. Joann worked with Austin who listened carefully, and after a thorough evaluation, was able to explain to Joann not just the cause of her pain but how she could fix it.
“The staff at Alliance PT were amazing. They were very dedicated to alleviating my pain. Encouraging and supportive, they pushed me when I needed it. I would definitely recommend Alliance PT!”
What we achieved
Anyone can claim to get people better, but we actually track our effectiveness.
Our outcome-oriented service uses the gold-standard, nationally recognized measure called Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes (FOTO), which allows us to learn which activities are most affected by your condition when you start therapy and tracks your improvement throughout your time with us.
Top 4%
national rank in improvement for back/lumbar per case.
of clients would recommend Alliance PT to a friend.
Top 6%
national rank in improvement for neck/cervical per case.
* Information taken from FOTO 03/01/2021