We’ve launched!

Jan 28, 2016

There are many seasons in life and just as in nature each season brings new opportunities, new learning, new growth and new beginnings.

For me this last 3 months has been a season of firsts. Although I’ve worked in 2 continents, 2 states and 2 counties (in the UK), for over 12 years, in a variety of inpatient and multiple outpatient physical therapy settings there are so many firsts when it comes to opening your own practice.

For the first time I had to start verbalizing my brand of physical therapy, my goals and vision for the clinic. When you are faced with firsts, it pays to gather around you those who have plenty of experience. I was fortunate to have my long time friend, Owen Jones of www.owenjonesdesign.com, to help me with expressing and communicating that brand. Beyond being my close friend, Owen brought great insight and creativity to this task and helped me immensely as I launched the brand of Alliance Physical Therapy.

“Nothing says start up like spending day one on the floor in an empty room!”

Humble beginnings
October 19th, 2015 was our first day, two weeks ahead of schedule. I opened the doors that morning and ushered my team to their spots on the floor! Yes, the floor, because our office furniture was not arriving until that afternoon. It was then I looked at them and said, “Nothing says start up like spending day one on the floor in an empty room!”

Since then, I’m glad to say things have developed rapidly. Not only is there office furniture, we are now also fully equipped with clinical equipment, supplies and patients! But the most important first for me, was hand picking my team! With two terrific patient service specialists up front and two fantastic physical therapists treating our clients it’s been so rewarding to bring together a team I am truly honored to work alongside.

Developing an online presence
The latest phase of growth was developing this website, www.allianceptme.com . Again, this is the first time I’ve ever had to think about these things and this is my first attempt at a blog (can you tell?)! Once again with the knowledge and experience of a good team in Owen Jones and Elixel we are at another first. The website launch. So here it is, I hope you like it in every way possible, but more than that I hope it becomes a key resource to help you “get better quicker” by educating and empowering you.

So I’d like you to raise your cyber glass with me and toast all the hard work of those who have made this launch possible. And to all of you I say, “Here’s to having good people around you for whom it’s not their first.” Thank you – no really, thank you.

Phil Chamberlain, MSPT, Cert DN

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Alliance Physical Therapy LLC
331 Veranda St,
Building 6 Suite #3311,
Portland, ME 04103

Phone: 207 536 0702
Fax: 207 536 0785

[email protected]

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